Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Seasons or Seasoning

I lost someone this week-end who had become very special to me. No, she did not die, but she is moving and our relationship will not be the same. So as I talked with the Lord, I was crying about how I feel I have had a great amount of loss in my life. Sometimes I meet someone and the connection happens so quickly and deeply that you can be amazed. Actually that is what I call a soul-mate, the connection is unexplainable. Though most of the time this term is used in a romantic connotation even there people are saying they are one. You have this wonderful, delightful friendship and in a blink it changes-someone moves, job changes, or relationship changes lots of things can happen. It is not bad or evil, just change.

So back to my conversation with the Lord, it is like seasons. Some things and some people are just for a season. The snow has melted and now your time out doors will not be sledding or ice-skating, but becomes tennis or surfing. Nothing bad-just different and hanging on or throwing a tantrum only makes you miserable it won’t change the weather at all.

As I pondered this I began- to think instead of seasoning- those people or circumstances who bring flavor and spice to our life. Jesus said we should be salt. You know-that bag of chips that calls you somehow they just keep going down your throat and then what-you are thirsty. Our purpose is to show that Christ makes such a difference in our life and they get thirsty for some living water too. Then I am struck by the idea that maybe He put them in my path to ‘season’ me.

Lately I have come to recognize how ‘sheltered’ my life in Christ. I have troubles, I have pain but I know where to run. I do not receive a ‘pass’ and the storm has to go by me. I have peace, I can ask for wisdom and grace and strength to walk my path. I was sharing with a mom who has some serious issues going on with her children and she looked at me like ‘what planet did you come from-I need real help, now.’

I can see how my answers sound easy and like God is a genie in a bottle but it is so much more. The cost is high, He wants you so turn your life over to Him, and most of us just want a solution for ‘this’ problem not a God on the throne of our life. I know sometimes I feel like they think I am offering so little, but let us face it there is only one answer and Jesus is His name.

All I know is when I have a crying day or week-end and I don’t even know what will fix me-I am grateful for the love of Christ. I love how those who really are soul-mates know how to hug and cry with you-not give their opinions.
I am a very blessed woman!

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