Saturday, April 3, 2010

Pretty Princess

A few days ago I posted a picture from my Birthday Party at work and I was wearing a 'crown' because two of the board members call me Princess. One of my friends has a little girl and when she saw the picture she said "what a pretty princess"! Of course that made me feel good and then I stopped to think about how wonderful children can be and how loving they can be and how simple the world looks through their eyes. I look at my picture and see the things I would change. Jesus said we needed to become like children to see the kingdom and perhaps this is a good example of what He meant. Adults look at each other and sometimes we only see things to criticize or to categorize others as good or bad, friend or foe, acceptable or cast away. Oh to be loving as a child and to see others as valuable, lovely and to expect a friend or play mate. Maybe I should just hang out on play grounds and learn to play and trust but someone would probably have a problem with that.

1 comment:

  1. First I love the blogging! :) Second... I was so glad that Makayla could be an instrument from The Lord to give u insight and the courage to share that with others! :) God is Great!!! :)
